Cincinnati Art Museum

My wife and I love museums, the educational missions they serve, the way art connects people and the experience of live artwork.  The Cincinnati Art Museum (“CAM”) is our favorite with a collection of over 67,000 works. Within those 67,000 works, spanning centuries and world cultures, are countless purposes. Each work has a maker or makers, a story and history, an inspiration that overcame all sorts of obstacles, whether it be an Egyptian preparing for the afterlife or a Van Gogh dealing with this one.

My wife gave me a t-shirt for Christmas from the CAM bookstore that says “Art Never Gets Old.” Visit CAM and you’ll see what that means! Plus, admission is free and all are welcome.

One of the many gems at the Museum is an art library with a spectacular view of our beautiful city and its world-class Eden Park. The public is welcome to use the library resources, especially art teachers looking for ideas and inspirations for their students. The Beverly Stevens Petrie Endowment at the Museum helps support community outreach and arts education for young people.
